The Narvik Centre has in collaboration with The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) been given a grant from the Research Council of Norway of about 20 million NOK for the five-year research- and dissemination project «In a World of Total War: Norway 1939-1945». The goal is to do innovative research related to the Second World War in Norway, and through that contribute to publishing new and up-to-date knowledge about day-to-day life, attack and occupation, and how the Second World War is and was remembered in retrospect
Leading the project is coming professor at the Arctic University of Norway , Tom Kristiansen, and the Narvik Centre has among other things been given responsibility for disseminating knowledge related to the different themes of the project. Here, we will especially focus on disseminating new knowledge through our exhibitions, activities directed at the educational system, visitors and general public. In addition, a large anthology will be published when the project draws to a close.
Contact person at the Narvik Centre is Director Eystein Markusson.